Erica Torres Pagano
Founder, Total Fitness Evolution

My name is Erica Torres Pagano and I am a proud wife and faith driven mommy to a very active little boy.

Erica Torres Pagano
Erica Torres Pagano is a fitness and nutrition coach
I was a Corporate America junkie and fitness instructor/fanatic until the last trimester of my pregnancy when everything changed for me. I went into preterm labor at 26 weeks, was laid off from my Corporate job and put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Three weeks after giving birth, my son was admitted to the ICU for 23 days. The week we were finally able to bring him home we got into a severe car accident on our way back from the doctor’s office. I could seriously feel myself falling into a deep depression. The first year of my son’s life was spent back and forth to doctor’s offices, totaling about 8 different specialists. We couldn’t take him out anywhere other than the doctor, we couldn’t have any visitors except the home nurse and I felt like the world had just swallowed me hole.

It was at that point that he turned one that I realized I had to regain my fitness “groove.” I had to find a way to get myself back on track, to get fit and healthy again, but also still be present to nurse my son back to 100 percent health. I was NOT going back to 70 plus hour work weeks and knew I would not have the freedom I needed.

That need to be present, that need for flexibility and freedom drove me to teach group fitness again and start my own personal training business. I wanted to do it my way, on my terms. I also felt a burning passion to help others regain their fitness, while understanding their needs for flexibility and understanding just how precious their time was.